The Bourbon Capital District is an Entertainment Destination Center (EDC) created in partnership with the Bourbon Capital Alliance, Bardstown Main Street and the City of Bardstown. The Bourbon Capital District provides a boost to our local hospitality industry by allowing residents and visitors to purchase alcoholic beverages and stroll through a designated area within designated hours in our downtown district. We invite you to come grab a drink, explore our downtown community and help strengthen our local businesses, together!
The Rules & Boundaries
Alcohol may be carried, possessed, and consumed on the Bourbon Capital District sidewalks and parking lots indicated by signage and into City of Bardstown alcohol licensed premises in the Bourbon Capital District during the days/times permitted below.
Alcohol must be purchased from a licensed alcohol vendor within the Bourbon Capital District.
Alcohol may be carried into participating Bourbon Capital District businesses, as marked by the Bourbon Capital District window cling.
Patrons traveling from licensed premise to licensed premise must use Bourbon Capital District approved cups.
No alcohol may be brought into the Bourbon Capital District from outside sources.
Alcohol may not be taken outside of the Bourbon Capital District for any reason.
All state and local laws are strictly enforced in the Bourbon Capital District, including public intoxication and disorderly conduct.
All cups must be disposed of properly in waste containers. Littering is prohibited in the Bourbon Capital District and will be strictly enforced.
Bourbon Capital District patrons must walk on sidewalks and utilize crosswalks.
Where can a patron have alcoholic beverages in the Bourbon Capital District?
Alcoholic beverages purchased from an ABC licensed establishment must be consumed within the designated boundary as shown on the map. The boundary begins at the Mayor’s Park in the north and continues south to the beginning of South Third St., encompassing businesses on Flaget Ave., Fourth St., and the Dixie P. Hibbs Farmer’s Market on Second St.
When are alcoholic beverages allowed in the Bourbon Capital District?
Alcoholic beverages are only allowed outside in the Bourbon Capital District during the designated hours: Monday – Sunday, 12 pm – 9 pm. After 9 pm, no outside carry is allowed. Patrons will be subject to a fine and/or other punishment if they are found to be consuming alcohol outdoors outside of the designated hours.
Can a patron purchase a cup from a Bourbon Capital District business and pour their own drink in and walk through downtown Bardstown?
No, only drinks purchased from a participating business in the boundary with an existing ABC license to sell are allowed by state law. No cans, glass bottles, or outside drinks are permitted within the boundaries. Anyone with alcohol on public property not purchased from a participating business during permitted hours or during a designated special event can be cited and/or arrested.
Can a patron bring their Bourbon Capital District cup back to another event?
No. Bourbon Capital District cups are only permitted for a single use when leaving downtown businesses to walk to another location within the area.
How will patrons of the Bourbon Capital District know the boundaries, rules, hours, etc.?
Rules, hours, and boundaries will be posted in the window of each ABC licensed participating business. Also, all branded assets including the cups themselves will have a QR code. When scanned, that QR code will load a webpage at VisitBardstown.com that will display the rules, boundaries, and participating businesses.
How will patrons know where the boundaries are?
All relevant Bourbon Capital District boundaries will be marked by boundary signage to indicate when a patron both enters the Bourbon Capital District and is about to exit the Bourbon Capital District.
Responsible Drinking
The City of Bardstown, Bourbon Capital Alliance, Bardstown Main Street, Visit Bardstown and associated businesses within the Bourbon Capital District encourage all patrons to consume alcohol responsibly at all times, both in and out of official Bourbon Capital District boundaries.